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Dear Serena:Love it. Your dad is a wise man who encourage his kids that bevleiing is seeing.Recently, I realize that bevleiing is not only seeing, but, has to go through the imagining process first too. This is where the creativity comes into play.Our youth forgets how to imagine because the harsh reality has forced them to seek security and certainty. I really don't know what would I do if I were your age and face this unfriendly economy.This is why I co-founded Ripplemaker Foundation to encourage young people to take accountability and not hand out or any entitlement and start their own micro business with an understanding that he/she will never get rich, but they will surely live a life they choose to.It is this get rich fast mindset promoted by media and society that has plagued our youth to look down on any meagre income or manual laborer. An artist knows that voluntary poverty is the price to pay to live a life with free spirit and not to be slaved by any means.I am the lucky few who started business by accident. I never imagine to be rich, however, I do put my freedom and independence ahead of any wealth accumulation or empire building.Starting small is the mantra I gave to anyone who is willing to listen. Dream big will come naturally when you have repeat paid customers.Action expresses priority.Ping


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