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I know you don't take requests so I won't ask but.......

I really miss your arm tattoos and the clothing you make for TS3..I've downloaded all your clothing, I was just wondering are you thinking about making any more clothing meshes? The new hairstyles ARE HOT!!! I have those, and I know you mentioned making more which is just awesome thanks!!! But I'm missing those Robokitty funky clothing meshes to go with your new incredible hair meshes...Just a thought...Anyway I really appreciate your artistic abilities, you are one of my fave CC creators, it's like..... you get it!!!!
I don't want my Sims personally looking like barbie dolls, I like them to be realistic and not super models...If I want supermodel all I have to do is turn on T.V. and watch....well whatever show is on.... Since simming can be a form of storytelling, only Robokitty's meshes can make it realistic and urban!!!!


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