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These are amazing!!

I absolutely LOVE all 4 of these hairstyles you have posted.. They're definitely the kind of thing I've been looking for.. I've recently become a huge Eva Simons fan, and so I've been working on a sim for her because she's absolutely gorgeous and I love her style.. Her hair has been QUITE the hassle to find.. I've had the worst time finding ANYTHING close to it.. But these are definitely the closest I've found.. So I'm SUPER excited to have stumbled onto these..
Thank you so much for all time and effort, and for Sharon of course!

Also, I know you said you weren't taking requests, but if you google image Eva Simons, it might you am idea or two.. I think her hair would interest you, although I haven't a clue how difficult it would be to make something like thy.. Just an idea!

Anyways, thanks again! I'm definitely bookmarking your site!


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