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People who create content and

People who create content and work magic with script mods are the developers we choose, as opposed to the crack-smoking monkeys at EAxis that came with the game. It might be EAxis who make the game, but it is the CC/mod creators who make the game PLAYABLE.

Were it not for people like you, I would have uninstalled TS3 and walked away after less than five hours of play. As is, I think I've logged over 90 hours in the last week alone, and I'm presently in my twelfth generation in Bridgeport.

You are SO right about the community being crap; I'm a pretty heavy game modder *for other games* (mostly on the scripting and database end) but just looking at the TS3 community discouraged me before I even began. For the most part, I lurk silently and snag whatever people are generous enough to toss out, but I don't care to get involved because there are so many snarky jackasses who are seemingly encouraged to be that way.

I feel for you. I've been hoping the community would self-correct, but how long has it been going on like this ... nearly a decade? I find it amusing that in the uber-violent games I mod, the community is mostly literate and respectful, but here we have "girl-game" as my friends call it, and the community behaves like brats.

Anyway, I haven't even downloaded any of your CC (yet). I just breezed in and saw this post and figured I'd thank you BEFORE I peruse your wares.


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