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I'm so unbelievably late with this reply, but you've totally summed up my opinion there.

I got into a bit of an argument (not an angry one, it was more of a polite discussion to be fair) with someone via email the other day (who shall remain anonymous, don't want to cause a shitstorm)

They basically took me up on comments I made on my site's facebook page about welcoming any creator with any quality creation. They asked why then, if I'm making such a 'big deal' about the noobs, am I not directly inviting them individually to have their creations featured, when I've publicly asked some of the more experienced creators.

A perfectly normal question to ask, but the answer seems a bit obvious to me. They're just starting out! If they wanted to have their creations featured, when they're ready, I've made it quite clear that they only have to send me a quick email or whatever and I'll do it without question. I'm not going to go storming in putting pressure on them! ... As for the experienced creators, of course I'm going to invite them! That's generally how a custom content site works :/

This wasn't supposed to be a rant haha! Never mind. Rants are good for the soul.

Totally agree with you on the joining TSR/going pay thing - saying I'll feature any content works both ways, so I have absolutely no qualms whatsoever about featuring pay/subscriber/donation content on my site. I try to keep it mostly free, but I'm not going to discriminate featured artists on TSR or people like Newsea - at the end of the day there are people who have paid the subscriptions etc, who would probably quite like to know when those sites update! They're paying for it haha! And also we have to be honest, those people are Featured artists/paid artists for a reason - they're damn good at what they do!

[/rant 2]!! - and thanks! I shall stalk accordingly :Dt


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