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Omg, THANK YOU! I loved

Omg, THANK YOU! I loved reading your rant, and I've thought the exact same things myself.

I can't stand such useless people who criticize without knowing how to use Photoshop, CTU, S3PE, Milkshape, etc.... the same bitchy, whiny people who complain about how there isn't a ton of awesome CC for TS3. Well, of course there isn't! You keep flaming creators and making them quit before they have a chance to improve! On top of that, creating for TS3 is vastly more difficult than for TS2!

It's so disappointing on the rare occasions when it's actually another creator flaming another one, and you're right about why they do it--school yard bullying. They just want to impress a bunch of other assholes.

And honestly, knowing everything that goes into creating CC that doesn't look like "the back end of a camel" is why I can understand when creators decide to go pay or join TSR. Especially when reading the comments at MS3B, I have asked myself "...and why am I creating free content for these assholes when, at the very least, TSR subscribers know and acknowledge the value of hard work?" IMO, the only "greedy" people in the TS3 community are the people who complain, never donate, don't know how to create shit, and expect to be given tons of awesome content for free. I'm still a free creator though because I feel grateful to a handful of awesome people (cc creators and toolmakers) in the free community. But all this is another can of worms...

Anyway, thank you for featuring me on your site. You're welcome to continue doing so :)


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