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Couldn't agree more!

I hear you loud and clear.

[I shall add my (very long) rant]

The demand for custom content is constantly on the up, yet these hypocrites continue to discourage and bitch about the quality of uploads both from both new and experienced artists.

Now, I call these people hypocrites because the majority of them wouldn't know how to use Photoshop, CTU, Milkshape, S3PE and the like if a manual jumped out of the screen and shoved itself up their nose. You can't possibly have the right to criticise content unless you know how it's made, and understand the time and effort that goes into each and every creation. To all those who complain, I say 'come back when you can do better'.

Those who do know what they're doing with CC should just plain know better, they know how much hard work it takes to come out with something that doesn't look like the back end of a camel, and complaining only highlights their insecurities about their own content. If they can't see another creation without having to pick out something wrong with it, then it looks like they're simply attempting to make themselves look better by putting a downer on others. Classic, pathetic, schoolyard bullying.

I went so far as to start up my own CC collection blog - there are a handful of these scattered around but not many of them moderate their comments as far as I can tell by the amount of spam.

My site is only a couple of months old, so there's a serious lack of commenting aside from the occasional thank you from artists for featuring. But that's just fine by me - To me, these sites aren't supposed to be for discussing the content, I can't speak for other site owners but for me, the point is to showcase the community, not bitch about it. If people have comments on the creations, the place for that is the original upload. Any negative comments on my site would be swiftly burned by the fires of hell themselves. Or deleted, either way. I know for sure I don't create stuff to have it flamed and disregarded, so I wouldn't ever let that happen to other creators.

I don't know how people can just sit there and watch artists being bullied on their site when they have the ability to do something about it!

I should probably mention that have featured your stuffs on my site (which I hope you don't mind - if you do, let me know and I shall remove said stuffs!). If you don't mind I will continue to stalk you :D


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