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Totally agree

Yes, it's incredible some users are that rude... we all must be extra thankful, because thanks to creators like you, our game is special, we can create our dreamed sims! It's sad how a lot of great creators had chose not sharing because of the bad comments of a bunch of bastards who, as you say, thinks they're in the right of bashing a creator for doing something the don't like/it's not perfect... and such...I totally agree with you, there's a lot of bad comments on MS3B toward the creators, and it's very sad, I always try not to reading them and going to the pages of the creators directly, because most of time I want to punch those commenters right in the face >;E

I'm very thankful, even when I don't comment in most of the items I download, most of times because I go in a download spree for the lack of time -_-. And I'm happy you decided to keep sharing your wonderful work. ^_^



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