Version History Version 5.5 Beta 5 2010/06/03 * New: Small close button on top of the surf.aspx page to close the bar immediately. * New: Manual update check from Administration UI page. Update your asproxy whenever you want without any problems. * Improved: The original url displyer float bar style now is placed in separate style-sheet file called "surfstyle.css". The style of surf.aspx page has migrated to that style-sheet file too. * Improved: The solution for CookieContainer bug doesn't work in partial trust environments, so a fallback mechanism is added. Then the cookies will work on such servers, but buggy. * Fixed: NetProxy default configuration. * Fixed: Minor issue with urls which have parameters, when encode url option is disabled. * Fixed: Invalid chars in download file name caused download to fail.(,, ...) * Fixed: Some encoded url detection is fixed. Caused ASP.NET Ajax to fail. * Fixed: ASP.NET ViewState value detection due to preventing crashes. * Fixed: [for mono] Fixed wrong directory separator character for Linux servers.